Fraud Detection and Risk Mitigation

Reduce fraud with DebitProtect®

Our resources, your security.

Our people, network and technology. Your security.

Debit fraud mitigation is complex. Our solutions make it simple. The advanced technology powering DebitProtect® works to keep you and your cardholders secure and help detect fraud.

Our difference:

  • Market-leading technology designed to reduce risk exposure with minimal disruption to cardholders
  • Technology powered by FICO® Falcon® with custom functionality from PULSE®
  • Fraud analysts with deep industry expertise and knowledge help you develop a custom fraud-detection strategy
  • A unique network view across all payment types

DebitProtect Standard

Immediate fraud detection

Standard services provide near real-time fraud detection during transaction authorization. If suspicious transactions are detected, we immediately alert you to the potential fraud. DebitProtect is included for all PULSE participants.

Key features:

  • Network-level detection
  • Real-time PINless transaction blocking
  • Uses AI and machine-learning analytics for decisioning
  • Powered by state-of-the-art FICO® Falcon® platform

Already a client? Register your users. To get started contact your Account Executive.

Immediate fraud detection
Enhanced security and dedicated support

DebitProtect Authorization Blocking

Enhanced security and dedicated support

Looking for an additional layer of security? Authorization Blocking is our premier service that includes all of the DebitProtect Standard features with the added benefit of blocking transactions that may be fraudulent.

Keep your cardholders and reputation safe with:

  • A dedicated support team
  • Custom rules
  • Early fraud detection capabilities

Interested in learning more? Connect with a fraud expert.

Payments & You: What’s new in payments

Start getting more from debit


We’re here to help you get the most out of every transaction. Connect with our team to learn what’s possible.

Already a client?

Access your Debit Dashboard here.