Debit Processing and Gateways

Processing for card brands and debit networks

Our services, built for your needs

PULSE® gateway and processing services give you the flexibility to build your debit program your way, helping you deliver more.

Debit Card Processing Brands
Debit Processing and Gateways

Card Processing

Debit card processing

We provide full-service processing for Discover® Debit, Mastercard and Visa debit card programs, all through a single point of access.

PULSE® Network Gateway Services

Single-point access to ATM and POS networks

Access many combinations of debit networks.

  • One message format for leading POS and ATM networks
  • Single-point exception item processing
  • Surcharge-free ATM option through MoneyPass
  • Dedicated support resources
  • Single-point settlement for most networks
  • Data displays in PULSE Debit Dashboard®
  • Transactions are monitored in DebitProtect®


Gain access to:

AllPoint, Armed Forces Financial Network, Cirrus, Co-Op, Discover® Global Network, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT), Interlink, Maestro, MoneyPass, NYCE, PAVD, PLUS, and STAR.

Debit Processing and Gateways

Validation and Verification Services

On-behalf-of services

Access a variety of authorization and verification services, including services for contactless, CVV2/CVC2 and AVS, EMV, PIN validation and more.

Payments & You: What’s new in payments

Start getting more from debit

We’re here to help you get the most out of every transaction. Connect with our team to learn what’s possible.